70 short motivational phrases to caption your photos

    70 short motivational phrases to caption your photos

    Life is a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. We all face different challenges and sometimes it seems like it will never end...

    But so you don't get upset, we show you motivating phrases to use as captions in your photos. They will reinforce all your resilience and determination! Check out.

    Challenges are the spice of life!

    Choose your battles and don't give up until you win them.

    When there is no more solution, there still has to be a way out. - Titans

    Big achievements start with small dreams.

    Dream, believe, dedicate yourself and make it happen!

    It is without being afraid of making mistakes that we get the best hits.

    God did not put me in this world to be a supporting player in my own life.

    Work to express your best, not to impress.

    Celebrate your achievements and take care of yourself every day.

    The formula for happiness and success is simply being yourself. – Meryl Streep

    Obstacles are opportunities to evolve.

    Happiness is having a light soul, a peaceful heart and a clear head.

    Failure is just an opportunity to start over more intelligently. - Henry Ford

    Don't let your dreams lose their power to fly!

    Just don't learn who doesn't try!

    You can't help but use creativity. The more you use, the more you have. – Maya Angelou

    Evolve in secret.

    It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

    Don't miss what makes you believe.

    If you want to be happy tomorrow, try today.

    I rule my world. - Beyonce

    Water your dreams with God's blessings.

    Don't expect anything from anyone. That's the secret to happiness!

    Being alone doesn't roll, but love doesn't beg. – George & Matthew

    Success doesn't come before Struggle or in the dictionary.

    If you're afraid of failure, you won't get very far. - Steve Jobs

    Smile on the face, faith in the heart and soul of a warrior.

    Cherish your achievements, don't expect anyone to notice them.

    It is from battles that life is lived. - Raul Seixas

    The challenges along the way only show me that I chose the right path.

    The days are bright, just open the window of life.

    Never let anyone tell you that it's not worth believing in the dream you have. – Renata Russo

    After the storm comes the rainbow!

    Fortunately, life teaches over time to overcome difficulties.

    You have to believe in yourself when no one else does. – Muhammad Ali

    Tomorrow you will be completely different.

    You become what you believe. - Oprah Winfrey

    The most challenging path is also the one that hides the most beautiful landscapes.

    The certainty of success is the key that guides my quest.

    It is by walking that the path is made. - Titans

    Cleanse your wounds when the lights go out and when they come back on, start over, smiling.

    The impact of your actions is the heritage you will leave to the world.

    Do the difficulty my motivation. - Charlie Brown Jr

    One day at a time, one struggle with each awakening.

    Seek to always shine anywhere.

    It's always fun to do the impossible. – Walt Disney

    There is no greater motivation than discovering how brave we can be.

    Goodbye, comfort zone: I always knew you, I never wanted you.

    With everyday faith I find the solution. - Black city

    Run after what you want!

    It's a bad sign when you need motivation to do good.

    A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. - Albert Einstein

    My dreams move me, but my truth guides me.

    Sometimes some goodbyes are deliverances.

    In light, in darkness, walk with faith I will... - Gilberto Gil

    Life belongs to those who dare to live.

    When God opens the doors, no one else closes them!

    The world will change, we still have time! – Pitty

    Fight, don't think that life is luck.

    The three ingredients for success: humility, determination and faith.

    The essential is invisible to the eyes. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    Guided by God, my path will always be lit.

    Those who look at the other a lot forget about themselves.

    Faith, to keep me on my feet, as long as I can. – Projota

    You have to know where to go and be persistent in that direction.

    The only thing impossible is what you don't try.

    With me no one can, because my Saint is strong. – MC Tha

    To reap happiness, plant smiles and sow love!

    True change begins in our heart.

    Dream big and dare to fail. -Norman Vaughan

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